Feral Pearls and a love letter to Apple

From Feral Pearls-

A long string of pearls snakes along our ancestor table and drapes over the photos. Fake pearls. I found them at a thrift store. I have hung these pearls up the edge of frames and down the other side, twisted them on mantles, tables, dressers and shelves, in all the various places that I have called home for over 25 years…

From a Love Letter to Apple-

Dear Apple,

Hi old friend, it’s about time I proclaimed my love for you in written form while I look out the window at your pretty pink blossoms and drink your juice from last year’s harvest. This all brings me into closer communion with you, and I give thanks.

When someone asks me, “What’s your favorite fruit?” I answer without hesitation, “Apple!” Not because you taste better than the ephemeral strawberry or bring such juicy pleasure as a cherry or a peach, but because you are so consistently generous and versatile and show up for me year round.

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